Sunday, December 16, 2007

Update through Christmas

OK so I'm a slacker, but we have moved and been really busy, but finally here are some great photos.

Our backyard! Sweet The kids loved the snow and also playing with Grammy.
Hut tub room
Family Room, just a little messy (sorry)

Our nice big kitchen, boy I love this room, every morning I can look out the sink window and watch the sunset over the mountains, just beautiful and relaxing. Did I say I love this house!

Here is William dressed up as Elmer Fudd and Mikaylee as bugs bunny of course, they loved trick or treating this year, Mikaylee figured it out fast, hold out the bag and then turn and run!

We have had a wonderful time moving and growing closer. Life is great right now and we are really just enjoying the ride.

We are starting to work on the basement soon, can't wait to hear when you all are coming.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Office Photos

We are now seeing a ton of kids and babies, a lot of pregnant bellies come too, what a great time we are having, but I wanted to share just a couple pics from the office.

At least ones you would recognize.

1/2 Marathon Photos

Sunday was the race, I stayed with Heather this time and we finished in 2:32! My best time yet! Oh, the pink wigs, don't ask, it was a challenge which I can never turn down, but it was fun, a ton of people talked to us while running and took our picture, it was nice to break up the running boredom. William got to wear the wig too, but also got to run the last .1 miles with me, that was great, they gave him the medal at the end too. (his count is two runs finished this year, not started, just finished with all the glory!) Craig took the pictures, he is running now too, just 2 miles, but is doing well at it, he just thinks I am crazy for going 13.1.

1/2 Marathon photos

Here's Moab, the only photo I took of the area, we went there for my 4th 1/2 marathon this year, on Saturday we played in the truck climbing big rocks and being bounced around,

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More at the airport

Grammy and Grampa Kill

Some Cute Pics

So here is the first family photo taken since our dramatic weight loss that started late last year. Since then Craig has lost over 150 lbs and I have lost about 30 more, not too shabby and we are so happy to be able to chase our children around now without dying of air deprivation.
Oh the cute kids are great too, just kidding. William turns 4 next month, can you believe all that he has changed. What an amazing process to watch and be entertained. Mikaylee is 19 months old now, what a bundle of energy and attitude, but again what fun.

Family Update First!!?

Ok so we are going to try again, hopefully the pics will work on this one