Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Carter Douglas Stitcher!!!

My last pregnancy photo, obviously taken without my knowledge, but thought it was pretty decent! This was taken the day before I went into labor, just getting ready for the graduation caused a lot of contractions, so the whole time I was being careful, hoping to not give Craig the sign that it was time to GO!! We obviously made it that night, but not by much! This is at Craig's Graduation from the police academy, so watch out bad guys!

So Carter decided to change all my thoughts and come just a few days early, what a concept!! Carter's birth was amazing, born at home and with the family close by (William heard the cries and came up within minutes to kiss his new brother, Mikaylee came up about an hour later to meet him too!) So far I have stayed out of the photos obviously, but will have Craig get a picture of us soon too. I love the photo of Melissa our midwife holding Carter, so I had to share it! The kids are loving on him, think that he is so cute and have been a great help. Craig has been amazing so I am enjoying all my time to bond and cuddle, this is the first real time I have been on the computer since labor!! I wanted to share some photos but wish you all an amazing Christmas as well.

Carter Douglas Stitcher

Born 12/19/09 at 4:36am

Weighs 7lbs, 14 oz, 22 in long